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About Us

CraniumTap is our marketing research division dedicated to developing and implementing actionable
insight solutions for organizations. They have worked and consulted with a long list of varying local,
regional, national, and international clients spanning multiple industries; for example: financial, real
estate, insurance, education, healthcare, legal, property management, home services, automotive,
transportation, tourism, food service, retail, recreation, arts and entertainment, professional sports,
shipping, municipal/government, non-profits, community action, media, technology, and others.


Secondary Research Applications (Detailed Data Analyses)
We utilize secondary research data resources to help organizations thoroughly understand their
customers by unearthing detailed demographic, behavioral, media consumption, and neighborhood
level geographic insights. We also conduct site analyses for organizations looking to better understand
their geographic footprint, the challenges presented through multiple locations, or to evaluate potential
growth opportunities. Here are the services we provide through secondary data:
  • Customer Profile Analyses & Segmentation
  • Geographic Site Analysis
Primary Research Applications (Market and Customer Surveys)
We design surveys to be effective from the client and respondent perspective. A poorly designed
survey can reflect poorly on a business and can produce unreliable insights. We specifically design
surveys to be clear, user friendly, and efficient for the user and in the analysis. Here are some of the
types of surveys we produce and analyze for organizations:
  • Decision Making Assessments
  • New Service/Product Expansion Assessments
  • Brand Perception Assessments
  • Competitive Assessments
  • Copy/Concept Testing
  • Ad Testing
  • Campaign Impact Studies
  • Direct Customer Feedback
  • Ongoing Customer Surveys
  • Content Testing
  • Employee Surveys
  • And others specialized needs


  1. Set meeting to review your needs and/or more about our capabilities.
  2.  We develop a proposal to achieve your insight needs that includes an objective, analysis plan,
    draft survey outline (if needed), investment breakdown, and timetable/next steps.
  3.  If market or customer surveys are required, initial draft outlines are reviewed for amendments.
  4.  We make the necessary amendments, provide and update, and you provide a final approval.
  5.  We implement the survey proposed and/or the analysis required.
  6. We review findings and share implications to marketing, communications, or even operational


Adam Cook, the research director, oversees the development and implementation of research projects
spanning multiple categories of business and has over 20 years of experience in marketing,
communications, and consumer research.
His research work has earned him eight national awards, two international awards, and recognition by
ResearchRockStar.com. His research and analytical methods have been published in five separate
editions of Quirk’s: the world’s leading marketing research magazine. He is a member of the Insights
Association and is one of only an estimated 350 IPCs (Professional Researcher Certified) in the U.S.

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